Home / Blog / City authorizes GO bonds for Mahtropolis Subdivision

City authorizes GO bonds for Mahtropolis Subdivision

May 02, 2023May 02, 2023

The City of Emporia authorized $1,200,000 in General Obligation Bonds for infrastructure improvements to the Mahtropolis Subdivision at its commission meeting Wednesday.

According to Special Projects Coordinator Jim Witt, the engineer estimated cost of the infrastructure is $1,000,000 dollars, though the city is setting the cost at $1,200,000.

"The reason being, they are going to have to bring that back to you if something goes wrong," Witt said, adding that initial bids on the project, which includes streets, sanitary sewer, water, and storm sewer improvements, are coming in lower than the engineer estimate.

The actual issuance of bonds will not happen until later, though the city awarded the sewer and water main extension work for Mahtropolis to the low bid, Ditch Diggers, Inc. out of Marion for $203,362.

Dean Grant, Director of Public Works, presented commissioners with a bid for hauling and beneficial land application of biosolids contract from Hodges Farms and Dredging for $11.95 per wet ton, a bid that Grant said went above and beyond and would provide the city with the best value.

Within the bid, Hodges Farms and Dredging included work that the City of Emporia outlined it would provide, a service that Grant said would take workload strain off of the city's one employee who could accomplish the task. However, Mayor Susan Brinkman said could not support approving the bid, as it added services that other bidders may not have known they were also allowed to add.

"It's not an unlevel playing field," Grant said. "... They are taking some of the workloads off our staff, which I have a staff of one in the laboratory."

According to Grant, each bidding company has the option to add to a proposal, in addition to the minimum standards set by the city, however, Brinkman said she felt not giving each bidder an outline of all of the options was unfair.

"I have a lot of concerns that we are awarding something at a higher cost to the taxpayers that we didn't actually put in the RFP [Request for Proposal]," Brinkman said, adding that she believes the decision to accept the bid would undermine the integrity of the city.

A motion to reject all bids passed 4-1, with Commissioner Jaime Sauder voting against. The city will put the contract back out to bid with a July 5 deadline.

The commission also approved a resolution asking the county commission to consent to the annexation of Park IV Industrial Park into the city, as requested by the owners, Emporia Enterprises. The 147 acres property is zoned Light Industrial and future road improvements to Road F and access to city utilities "will assist in making the site shovel-ready."

"This is considered an island annexation and therefore we need to request permission from the county and ask them to find it beneficial," Administrator of Planning and Zoning Justin Givens explained.

The city anticipates requesting annexation of the road right-of-way on Road F at a future date. A property at 1022 S. Weaver Street, one of around four properties on that street that haven't been annexed into the city, was also annexed per a request by the owner to allow for access to City water.

The city also bonded $550,000 for the upgrade and installation of new valve actuators. According to Grant, due to in-house installation, the City has a remaining balance of $259,000 and staff would like to purchase actuators needed to upgrade and add to the remaining valves in the facility. The commission accepted a quote from Mid-America Valve & Equipment for $146,391 with part of the remaining balance.

The city also approved the purchase of an Envirosight camera system from Key Equipment out of Kansas City, for $100,555, including installation.

According to Grant, the current camera system is around 11 years old and has been in for repairs multiple times in the last couple of years, totaling $30,000 in repairs, which take place in Florida. The new contract would allow for a quicker turnaround on repairs if needed.

The commission opened and adjourned a public hearing on an Incentive Compliance Agreement to exempt property taxes on the current real property improvements in association with S & S Quality Meats, LLC.

According to City Attorney Christina Montgomery, while the city was required to hold a public hearing by statute, the City Bond Counsel is still finalizing the final construction and equipment cost for the project, so the public is welcome to present comments to City staff in the meantime and the public hearing will resume at 11:20 a.m. on June 7, 2023.

In further business, the commission:

Received a brief preview of revenue sources, fund balances, personnel and capital projects from Janet Harrouff.

Agreed to declare a special meeting for the Emporia Friends of the Zoo picnic, so that more than three commissioners may attend.

Recognized May 31 — June 4 as MUPP "Walk, Run & Bike Week" in Emporia.

Appointed Nadia Qureshi and Marcia Lawrence to the Natural Resources Advisory Board.

Appointed Diana Montalvo to the Emporia Human Relations Commission.

Purchased a John Deere mower with 128" cut from Prairieland Partners in the amount of $76,830 from the General Fund.

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