Home / News / Ayrault Road Sewer Improvement Project to Close Portion of RS&E Trail; Detour in Place

Ayrault Road Sewer Improvement Project to Close Portion of RS&E Trail; Detour in Place

Dec 19, 2023Dec 19, 2023

May 12, 2023

The Town will soon commence the Ayrault Road Sewer Improvement Project located within the RS&E Corridor. This is a significant project that will build resiliency in our Town's infrastructure, safeguard more than 1,000 surrounding homes, and enhance the environmental protection of adjacent wetlands.

Construction on the project is slated to begin Monday, May 15th. This includes installing approximately 4,400 linear feet of 15" gravity sanitary sewer along the RS&E trail between Ayrault Rd and Pebble Hill/Ledgemont Dr.

Fairport Electric is currently working in the corridor to replace deteriorated poles, adjust the height of power lines and provide additional pole anchors to protect overhead utilities during the deep sewer construction. Tree clearing and debris removal are required throughout the corridor to provide construction equipment access and allow for the construction of the new sewer main.

To ensure the safety of trail users during construction, a portion of the RS&E trail between the Bradford Hill Access Point and Ayrault Rd will be closed. A signed trail detour will be maintained for both pedestrians and bicyclists, and a detour map can be found on our website under "Projects of Community Interest."

We expect the detour to remain in effect through the end of the year; however, we will provide updates on when the trail can safely reopen as the project progresses.

This significant project will allow for the elimination of an existing 50-year-old pump station and force main and the corresponding rising maintenance costs associated with this aging facility. The current pumps run every 5-7 minutes, and our Sewer Department estimates a pump failure would only allow about 14 minutes until back-ups or overflows would occur.

The project is partially funded with Federal ARPA funds.

Construction on the project is slated to begin Monday, May 15th. To ensure the safety of trail users during construction, a portion of the RS&E trail between the Bradford Hill Access Point and Ayrault Rd will be closed. A signed trail detour will be maintained for both pedestrians and bicyclists, and a detour map can be found on our website under "Projects of Community Interest." We expect the detour to remain in effect through the end of the year; however, we will provide updates on when the trail can safely reopen as the project progresses.