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Construction gets underway

May 22, 2023May 22, 2023

This year's multi-block street and utility project is starting with removal of trees in the construction area. The major construction is starting the week of June 12.

Blue Earth residents may have noticed that, apart from nicer weather, the end of May has brought large, orange signs to the edge of roadways.

Residents may have also noticed upturned trees and churned-up soil along Ramsey and Galbraith Streets.

Yes, construction season has commenced in Blue Earth. However, some of the projects which are currently underway are actually old news.

Over the next few weeks, contractors for the city's 2022 Street Improvement Project are scheduled to return to Blue Earth to put the finishing touches to last summer's construction.

Contractor Holtmeier Construction, Inc., was slated to come to Blue Earth on Friday, June 2, to edge mill the bituminous pavement along the curb line of Galbraith Street, from Fifth Street to Fourth Street.

This week, meanwhile, a paving contractor is scheduled to place the last layer of bituminous pavement on all streets within the 2022 Street Improvement Project.

"That project will be wrapped up, then," reports Bolton & Menk engineer Ben Rosol. "A few minor punchlist items will need to take place."

The 2022 Street Improvement Project included First Street between Main and Gorman Streets, Gorman Street between First and Seventh Streets, and Fourth Street between Galbraith and Rice Streets. Small segments of Moore and Galbraith Streets leading up to the railroad tracks and a segment of Galbraith Street between Third and Fifth Streets were also included in the project.

Meanwhile, the 2023 Street Improvement Project is in its early days yet. However, some of the project's preliminary preparation has been highly visible to residents along Ramsey and Galbraith Streets.

"The tree subcontractor has been in town removing trees out of this year's project area," Rosol explains. He added CenterPoint Energy has also started to relocate their gas mainlines ahead of the project's start date.

"We should be seeing equipment coming to town towards the end of next week," Rosol said. He reports construction should begin during the week of Monday, June 12, starting on Ramsey Street.

Holtmeier Construction is slated to work on several residential streets in Blue Earth as part of the 2023 Street Improvement Project, including a long stretch of Third Street, between Main and Rice Streets.

Moore Street will also be worked on between First and Fourth Streets, as will Galbraith Street between First and Third Streets and Ramsey Street between First and Fifth Streets. A small segment of First Street – between Ramsey and Gorman Streets - will be reconstructed as well.

The project is expected to be completed by the end of this fall, before cold weather sets in. However, the final layer of bituminous pavement will be placed in 2024.

The project will include street reconstruction as well as improvements to sanitary and storm sewer mains, pipes and manholes, replacement of watermains, hydrants, valves and fittings, and work on water and sewer lines to property lines. Construction will also include driveway aprons, curb and gutter and concrete sidewalk.

For regular project updates, and for more information about the construction process, Blue Earth residents are encouraged to visit Bolton & Menk's street improvement project website at