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Driver calls rescue team after spotting snake hanging from dashboard

May 18, 2023May 18, 2023

A snake spotted hanging from a dashboard has been caught after giving rescuers the slip and sliding into the car's bodywork.

The reptile was spotted by a delivery driver who was transporting the car from a dealership in Tipton, in the West Midlands, to its new owner in Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire.

When he spotted the corn snake slithering across the panel, the driver pulled into a service station and called Linjoy Wildlife Sanctuary and Rescue.

Lindsay Newell, who runs the sanctuary, said the non-venomous snake was now safe, despite not being happy about being moved.

She said: "We thought it was going to be a case of grabbing it and getting it out but it had moved under the seat.

"Where the seat attaches to the frame of the vehicle there's a hole and it had gone under there. We could only see its tail but couldn't reach it."

The team removed the chair from the car and pulled up some of the flooring only to find the snake had vanished.

"We put a phone camera against the trim and we could just see its scales in the mid-section of the car. It wasn't happy," Newell said.

"At this point it was trying to get away - still trying to slither off to get further in."

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Eventually, the rescuers managed to reach the snake's head and despite nearly being bitten, they got it out safely.

The car had to be put back together before the driver could continue his journey.

Newell said: "Luckily the customer was very understanding, I'm sure they wouldn't want a snake with their purchase."

She said the snake was very cold but was doing well and recovering at the sanctuary.

Watch: Python bites man while he uses toilet