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PCC situation, as it is, discussed at town hall meeting

Oct 30, 2023Oct 30, 2023

It would appear that the state legislators, or at least those representing the areas where Pontiac and Vandalia correctional centers are located, don't really know any more about the situation of those prisons than the general public. If the town hall meeting Tuesday evening at Pontiac Township High School is any indication, there just doesn't seem to be much to report since the Illinois Department of Corrections transferred 171 inmates from PCC to Centralia.

There were also inmates moved from Vandalia to Centralia on the Feb. 9 night.

State Sen. Jason Barickman hosted the town hall for Pontiac Correctional Center. Also speaking were Pontiac Mayor Bill Alvey, Livingston County Board Chairperson Kathy Arbogast and AFSCME Local 494 President William Lee.

State Rep. Tom Bennett was scheduled to attend but provided a recorded message because he has tested positive for COVID and opted to stay home in Gibson City.

Noticeably absent was DOC Director Rob Jeffreys. There was an unoccupied chair and name placard on a table signifying his absence.

Barickman made note that an invitation had been extended and that Jeffreys had previously stated he would attend town hall meetings regarding the prisons. Barickman also pointed out that Jeffreys backed out.

In his remarks, Bennett also stated a disappointment in the DOC top administrator.

"We have fought for you and continue to do so. The communications between Director Jeffreys and us has ceased, it has stopped," Bennett said. "We have sent out several requests and have received little back; there's no transparency or communication with legislators or people of this community. I'm very disappointed in Director Jeffreys' approach to ignore us. … You deserve better, government has to do better than this."

In his opening remarks, Barickman showed a timeline of events from Feb. 9 through April. He said that there has been a lack of communication taking place between the administration of Gov. JB Pritzker and the state legislature on such matters.

"When an administration makes big decisions, they tend to give you a head's up — 'Hey, this is happening, want to let you here's why. If your constituents call, you can explain whatever the circumstance,'" Barickman said. "Unfortunately in this one, there was none of that. It was us finding out from people locally that something had occurred."

Barickman said he was unaware of the Feb. 9 transfer until after it took place, and that he was notified by people in his district, not by DOC.

The senator also noted the history of prisons closings in the county, saying that there was not a lot of notification when then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich tried to close Pontiac Correctional Center.

He did point out that there were hearings and meeting before then-Gov. Pat Quinn ordered Dwight Correctional Center closed, but notification was still limited.

Barickman also pointed out that the plan DOC had in reference to closing the medium-security unit at PCC and parts of Vandalia, a medium-security facility in south-central Illinois, became known after the original transfer.

"It is called some kind of a draft plan … it's dated Feb. 22, it's published by the Department of Corrections," Barickman said. "It talks about the plan that exists by the Pritzker Administration to close certain medium security wings and facilities at the prison. So, when the two things happened — inmates were moving and this draft plan showed up — it again caused concern."

When it was his turn to make his remarks, Lee expressed the dangers in making such a transfer. Lee has told the Daily Leader on a number of occasions that the actions being taken have been illegal and dangerous.

"This decision was short on vision and justification," Lee told the audience Tuesday. "It was dangerous in its execution. Many of the individuals were moved (with) no medical records. In the case of one, no medications for a recent organ transplant (were provided)."

Lee said that the union and DOC has had discussions regarding moving forward on a constructive manner and using money for maintenance of useful structures within the facility.

Then Feb. 9 happened. He pointed out that not all of the 171 inmates went to Centralia because that facility couldn't handle the influx. Therefore, some went to Pinckneyville.

Also, it was noted the buses were scheduled to be traveling to other facilities when they were apparently directed to divert to Pontiac.

He also said that, because of the plan, the medium-security inmates are now housed inside the walls of the max facility.

"We are here tonight to raise the alarm," Lee said in closing. "We suggest the following steps to hold the Department of Corrections accountable, to promote the safety and security of incarcerated individuals, as well as women and men who serve the state in this critical system."

The steps he named included DOC being transparent regarding reorganization strategy and allowing time for the identification and correction of possible problems. Also, that DOC cease any further implementation of its reorganization plan and return to the bargaining table with AFSCME, which is required by labor law. Engaging in meaningful working conditions was also requested.

There was discussion between some state legislators, including Barickman and Bennett and Jeffreys in March.

"The director wanted to be very clear, he said 'we're proposing a closure,' Barickman said of that meeting. "He was worried about that law being triggered and he wanted to be clear that they were trying to avoid that from occurring."

"That law" would be in relation to COGFA ( Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability), which was created, in part, to keep the threats of closure from taking place. It's an oversight safety valve of sorts.

Barickman said that Jeffreys was trying not to go so far that this would be implemented. Barickman said Jeffreys was "adamant" that PCC was not closing.

It was at this meeting that Jeffreys agreed to participate in town hall meetings. Later, Jeffreys changed his mind.

"It's clear today that no one from the Pritzker Administration wants to come participate in a discussion. I think it's frustrating and wildly unfortunate," Barickman said.

Barickman also pointed out that there is a call for a joint hearing with a solid bi-partisan backing to take place. That process has been started.

In his brief speech, Alvey pointed out the affect PCC has on the city.

"What we're seeing now is, with this decrease in population and other things, it's affecting all of us. The employment numbers are, according to the propaganda, still maintaining (but) we're not sure of that," Alvey said.

He pointed out that the city is engaging in putting in a new sewer system and that would include dealing with PCC.

He also expressed concern about what would happen to the grounds should the prison close. He used the warden's house on Grove Street as an example.

Arbogast expressed her displeasure with the state government regarding this matter.

"We were hoping that we would be able to get some answers from the Department of Corrections, some promises that Pontiac Correctional Center would be here for years to come," she said. "Unfortunately, I don't think we're going to get the guarantees we're looking for, at least not tonight. …

"We're here because Springfield needs to know how much Pontiac prison means to this community. In 2008, we rallied the troops and stopped what we thought was the inevitable. As a county, we know the effects of losing a prison. It hasn't been 10 years since the state shuttered the Dwight Correctional Center causing the largest economic downturn and population loss our county has ever experienced. There's no doubt that the loss of PCC, the county's third-largest employer, would send shockwaves through our county and beyond. We need some answers from the state level."

There were a number of correctional officers and former correctional officers among the audience members who spoke. They primarily spoke about what the prison means to the community and what takes place inside and why it is important to maintain the facility.

"Pontiac is needed and I have no idea why anybody would (want to close it), said Kathy Kissiar, who has worked at PCC and at Dwight Correctional Center before it closed. "We're sending (inmates) to places they shouldn't go. Counselors did not want to reclassify them because they are a threat to themselves and to others."

The expression of possible dangers was prevalent in many of the comments. This included the transfer of inmates, which Lee said was done without Illinois State Police escort.

Also, being transparent in what is taking place is important.

"One of the things I hope to obtain from the administration whenever they are willing to sit down and talk more transparently on this is the reclassifications that are occurring," Barickman said.

He said that the Safety Act was an effort by the governor to have fewer people in prison. He said it puts the public at risk with dangerous people not incarcerated and the public is not properly protected from these people.

"Nobody cares about our safety inside the prison," said Tim Bowden, vice president of Local 494. "I'm telling you right now, this department doesn't care about any of your safety and that's the problem."

Barickman said that he and Bennett will do all they can but the help of the community is important.

"We have to go and do our part at home." he said.