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Xylem's no

Oct 02, 2023Oct 02, 2023

The future of pumps looks vastly different with the addition of the latest Godwin offering from Xylem.

Fixed plant and pump solutions are a fantastic asset for mining operations.

That is, until they have to be moved.

In creating a solution, the team from water management specialist Xylem considered variability and flexibility in the mining industry when designing the Godwin BD150T.

Coming bundled with a low cost and high degree of portability, the Godwin BD150T self-priming pump brings the best of the Godwin range in a package ideal for all operators.

With flow capabilities of up to 510 cubic metres per hour, as well as discharge heads (the pressure at the discharge of a pump measured as a height) of up to 43m, the BD150T is designed to be suitable for various mining applications.

"At the end of the day, the BD150T is a perfect option for high-performance pumping at an overall low overhead cost when compared to energy requirements of other pumps," Jordan Thomson-Larkins, Xylem product and application manager of the Godwin range, told Australian Mining.

"Whether for nuisance dewatering, managing tailings storage or for general maintenance activities, the BD150T is suitable for that function.

"And to get it from A to B to fulfil those functions, it can be wheeled around on an attachable trolley which is part of the purchase.

"The compact nature of the unit and the power it has makes it an invaluable tool."

The BD150T comes as an open skid base with options for either a two-wheel site trailer or four-wheel site trolley, depending on the needs of the operation.

Featuring an immersed oil lubricated mechanical seal design, which allows dry running for prolonged periods while automatically priming and repriming from dry, the BD150T has a high level of general usability through the use of the Venturi Prime system.

"The Venturi Prime system works through compressed air travelling through the pump, creating a vacuum by evacuating air from the pump body and suction hose," Thomson-Larkins said.

With considerable location flexibility afforded through its trolley functionality, the BD150T can suit a variety of applications, supplying water for wash plants, dam water transfer and excavation dewatering.

As demonstrated by high heads and flowrate reported, the BD150T features a number of improvements to the hydraulics of the pump to facilitate the strong results in a compact frame.

The increased hydraulic efficiency results in higher levels of performance and improved fuel economy when compared to hydraulic systems with a lower flow rate.

"With the six-inch pump range that we offer, it produces higher heads and more flow at greater efficiencies, in addition to providing a cheaper alternative for the customer because of the way that we’ve created the BD150T," Thomson-Larkins said.

"It's not just reflected in the purchase cost of the unit, but also in the cost it takes to run the pump."

Versatile in a range of applications, the BD150T is also capable of managing wastewater and the solids that are often present in the water throughout mining operations, with a maximum solids handling of 75mm.

The BD150T is available from Xylem directly, as well as from a number of distribution partners, further emphasising the commitment Xylem has made to the accessibility of the Godwin range.

The pump also represents a high level of innovation, though that is not always easy.

"It can be difficult to innovate with pumps, as pumps are pretty simple – they’re spinning steel in a pipe that move water," Thomson-Larkins said.

"What we’ve done differently with this part of the Godwin line is that we’ve included a modular base with the system that lets operators easily switch engines if need be.

"The stock option comes fitted with a Perkins motor, but with this design that can be swapped out at any point as needed."

Including front wear plates into the design of the BD150T, Xylem has reduced the number of rebuildable parts that make up the pump, which in turn results in a lower overall cost over the lifetime of the machine.

In conjunction with the changes in manufacturing to ensure the lower cost and smaller profile of the pump, the reduction in rebuildable parts also enables Xylem to provide shorter lead times when it comes to delivering the units.

"Through the design approach we’ve taken with the BD150T and our wider work with our distribution partners, customers will be able to go to our registered suppliers and purchase stock direct from the shelves," Thomson-Larkins said. "It shortens the time between order and fulfilment which can exist in the space of built-to-order products.

"Customers can get the well-known, high-quality Godwin product without waiting on it to be made, shipped and delivered."

While reducing the production lead time is a core concern of Xylem, there remains scope for changes to be made to best fit needs of end users.

Factory-installed with a manual control system, the BD150T can be locally fitted with a Kensho X36 panel to enable a range of digital and analogue inputs as required.

The pump also comes with optional extras in the form of an enclosed battery box and forklift pockets.

"The BD150T range is really designed to be an easily accessible, ‘out of the box’ solution," Thomson-Larkins said.

"In saying that, we are more than willing to work with customers to adjust the unit where possible and give the additional functionality needed for the specifics of their operation.

"We don't compromise on performance at Godwin. The BD150T is a prime example of that."

This feature also appears in the April edition of Australian Mining.